At Imationty, we connect innovation and technology from global leaders with healthcare professionals, supporting the forefront of medical solutions.
For more than 15 years , we have stood out as official distributors of Johnson & Johnson, excellently representing the prestigious Johnson and Johnson brand with its DePuy Synthes and Ethicon lines.
In 2024, we are expanding our offering by incorporating two new distribution lines: 3M VAC , cutting-edge technology in assisted closure therapies, and Polytech , specialized in high-quality and safe breast implants. These additions reflect our ongoing commitment to medical innovation and our purpose of offering solutions that improve lives and optimize clinical outcomes.
Our presence has been strengthened by collaborating with renowned medical institutions such as the Italian Hospital of La Plata, the Garrahan Hospital, the Finochietto Sanatorium, the Hospital Español and the Prof. A. Posadas National Hospital. These alliances consolidate us as leaders in the distribution of medical supplies, contributing to the advancement of the health system in the region.
We stand out for our team's commitment and quality at every step of the way. We have a fleet of vehicles, ongoing team training and excellence in our services, ensuring that each delivery and solution is on par with the brands we distribute.
We look to the future with the vision of being strategic allies in the innovation and distribution of medical supplies. Our purpose is to offer comprehensive solutions that promote general well-being and continue to consolidate a positive impact in the health field.
It allows us to have complete control over the quality and efficiency of our products and services. This internal infrastructure ensures flexibility, fast response times, and the ability to adapt our processes to the specific needs of our clients, always ensuring the highest quality standards.